Test Code LAB8684 Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Test Information
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of smeared preparations on properly labeled slide(s) with patient identifier using Papanicolaou and Romanowsky staining techniques
- Specimen: Aspirated Material
- Container: Aspirated material smeared on clean glass slide(s) properly labeled with patient identifier and fixed in 95% Ethyl Alcohol
- Notes: Gently smear aspirated material onto glass slide properly labeled with patient identifier and fix immediately by immersing in 95% ethyl alcohol. Deliver immediately to the Cytology Lab. Informed consent must be obtained. Cultures must be requested separately.
- Storage Instructions: Maintain at room temperature and send to lab no later than 48-72 hours from collection time.
- Transport: Send slide(s) to Cytology Lab EH314 ASAP. For overnight or weekend storage, keep the slide(s) in the 95% Ethyl Alcohol Fixative. After hours, send to Main Lab EH318
Turnaround Time
Performed: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Reported: Reported in 72 hours