Test Code LAB13 Cytology (Non-Gyn)
- Body Cavity Fluid Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of Cytospin and/or ThinPrep preparations using Papanicolaou and Romanowsky staining techniques; Cell block preparations using Hematoxylin and Eosin staining
- Specimen: Pleural Fluid, Pericardial Fluid, Ascitic Fluid, Peritoneal Wash, Diaphragm Scrape, Cul-de-Sac Fluid, Synovial Fluid
- Container: Clean, properly labeled, heparinized container, collection bag or bottle.
- Storage: Keep refrigerated. Send specimen(s) to Lab ASAP.
- Breast Secretions Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of speared preparations using Papanicolaou staining technique.
- Specimen: Nipple Discharge, Breast Smear
- Container: Specimen spread on clean slide(s) labeled with patient identifier and fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol.
- Notes: Gently spread nipple secretion onto a glass slide labeled with patient identifier. Fix immediately with cytology spray fixative or by immersing slide(s) in 95% ethyl alcohol.
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen(s) to Lab ASAP. For overnight or weekend storage, keep slides in the 95% Ethyl alcohol fixative.
- Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of Cytospin and/or ThinPrep preparations using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Broncho-Alveolar Lavage
- Container: Clean, properly labeled, specimen collection container - No fixative
- Volume: 1 mL minimum
- Notes: Collect fresh lavage specimen using no fixative
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab ASAP. Refrigerate specimen nights or weekends.
- Bronchial Brushing Cytology
- Includes: Routine Cytologic evaluation of smeared material and/or ThinPrep preparations using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Bronchial Brushing
- Container: Smeared cells on clean properly labeled slide(s) with patient identifier fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol or vigorously rinse brushed material into properly labeled vial of CytoLyt solution.
- Notes: Use 95 % ethyl alcohol for direct smears on glass slides or CytoLyt Preservative solution for specimens placed directly into fixative.
Brush specimen directly from lesion. For direct smears, gently smear cells onto glass slide(s) labeled with Patient name/MRN. - Storage Instructions: Send specimen(s) to Lab ASAP. For overnight or weekend storage, Keep the slide(s) in the 95% ethyl alcohol fixative
- Bronchial Washing Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of Cytospin and/or ThinPrep preparations using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Bronchial Washing
- Container: Clean, properly labeled, collection container
- Notes: Collect fresh specimen using no fixative
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab ASAP. Refrigerate specimen nights or weekends
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of cytospin preparations using Papanicolaou and Romanowsky staining techniques
- Container: Sterile, properly labeled, tube from lumbar puncture tray. No fixative
- Volume: 0.5 mL minimum
- Notes: No fixative required
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab immediately. Refrigerate nights or weekends
- Gastrointestinal Brushings Cytology
- Includes: Routine evaluation of smeared slide(s) using Papanicolaou staining technique.
- Specimen: Esophageal or gastric brushings, oral scraping or Pemphigus smear
- Container: Specimen spread on glass slide labeled with patient identifier and fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol or vigorously rinse brushed material into properly labeled vial of CytoLyt solution.
- Notes: Fixative: Use 95 % ethyl alcohol for direct smears on glass slides or CytoLyt Preservative solution for specimens placed directly into fixative.
For direct smears, gently spread specimen onto glass slide properly labeled with patient identifier and fix by immediately immersing in 95% ethyl alcohol. For samples collected in liquid preservative, vigorously rinse brushed material into properly labeled, CytoLyt solution vial (available from the Laboratory, 792-8422). - Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab ASAP. For overnight or weekend storage, Keep the slide(s) in the 95% Ethyl Alcohol Fixative.
- Miscellaneous Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of Cytospin and/or ThinPrep preparation using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Fluids from variable anatomic sites (specify type or source)
- Container: Clean, properly labeled, specimen container with no fixative.
- Volume: 0.5 mL minimum
- Notes: Specify anatomic site and provide pertinent clinical data. Cultures are requested through the Microbiology Lab. Submit fresh fluid with no fixatives.
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab ASAP. Refrigerate nights and weekends.
- Sputum Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of ThinPrep preparations using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Sputum
- Container: Clean, properly labeled specimen container without fixative
- Volume: 3 mL minimum
- Notes: Collect sputum in a clean, properly labeled collection cup with no fixative.
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to lab ASAP. Refrigerate nights or weekends
- Tzanck Smear Cytology
- Includes: Cytologic examination for viral inclusions using Papanicolaou Staining Technique
- Collection Procedure:
- Moisten skin with saline prior to direct scrape of the lesion.
- Carefully remove the roof of the vesicle and scrape the underlying skin. Cells are obtained from the base and margins of vesicles or ulcers.
- Gently spread the specimen onto glass slide properly labeled with patient identifier and rapidly fix by spray fixation with Cytospray or by immersing in 95% ethyl alcohol.
- Specimen: Lesion Scraping for Herpes Inclusion Bodies
- Container: Specimen spread on properly labeled clean slide(s) and fixed either by Cytospray or immersed in 95% Ethyl Alcohol - See above for instructions.
- Notes: Test may be requested as STAT procedure if active infection is suspected at the time of labor prior to vaginal delivery. State body site on the requisition.
- Storage Instructions: Send specimen to Lab ASAP. For overnight or weekend storage, spray/fixed slides may remain at room temperature. If fixed in 95% Ethyl Alcohol, keep slides in the alcohol fixative.
- Urine, Bladder Wash Cytology
- Includes: Routine cytologic evaluation of Cytospin and/or ThinPrep preparation using Papanicolaou staining technique
- Specimen: Urine, Bladder wash
- Container: Clean, properly labeled specimen container without fixative
- Volume: 20 mL minimum
- Notes: Submit fresh fluid with no fixative. Include type of specimen (voided, catheterized, recently instrumented)
- Storage Instruction: Send specimen to lab ASAP. Refrigerate nights or weekends
Interpretation by pathologist
Turnaround Time
Performed: Mon - Fri; 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. After hours send to Fast Flow Lab-EH 319
Reported: Results reported in 24 - 48 hours.